Wednesday, May 11, 2011

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El Chojin: `` The public know how to live Saharan

Saharawi refugee camp of Dakhla (Algeria), May 6 (EFE) .-

The songs of El Chojin gut social reality with surgical precision, but the rapper had never faced a situation as dramatic as whom he met in the Dakhla refugee camp, where he attended as a guest of the Sahara Film Festival.

"It's very sad and speaks very bad of the human species which something can happen. The public does not know the living conditions of the Sahrawi, so I am happy to organize events like this festival because it brings you back to faith in people, "the singer said in an interview with Efe.

Figure referential rap sung in Castilian, Domingo Moreno Edjang censure the actions of government and English society in relation to the Saharawi people.

"The world has been very bad with the Saharawi, but the English have been even worse. The relationship we had in the past we should have forced more, but there is also a kind of collective amnesia that has cleared; and do not remember that the Sahara was a English province, "says the artist. This forgetfulness

responds to a number of qualities that, according to El Chojin, are inherent to the developed Western world: "Europeans in general and the English in particular, live with the idea of \u200b\u200bdoing a favor when they were colonial powers, because there was a sort of moral superiority over the invading places, "he says.

" They've never worried about having left lying to people living in those colonies, because basically never considered as individuals, but as circumstantial elements. This is what happens today: as we are not there, we do not care, "he laments.

Born in Torrejón de Ardoz (Madrid) in 1977, the" MC "is the son of an immigrant from Equatorial Guinea, where Spain also has a colonial past. "Blacks were second class citizens. Could not aspire to have the same rights as English whites, because they were not just a material that was used in cases where necessary, "he recalls.

The scorching sun from early morning, the sand that blinds the eyes with every gust of wind, lack of running water, structural weaknesses ... Life, in short, is a very challenging and complicated in the Dakhla camp.

"Let the people know that public opinion is aware of what is happening here," says rapper -. Our politicians are very clever but the boss is the people. I left it very clear the 11-M attacks, when it seemed he would win the PP and the PSOE finally did: the public was angry and decided to que era necesario un cambio de gobierno".

"Esto tiene que ser lo mismo", sentencia El Chojin, que mañana ofrecerá un concierto donde atacará las piezas de su último disco de estudio, "El ataque de los que observaban". EFE


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