Monday, May 9, 2011

Typical Utility Bill For An Apartment In Calgary

Jimenez denies that the PSOE has betrayed the Saharawi

"In these relationships, the chapter of Western Sahara is a thorn. Does the Government and the Socialist Party have forgotten the historic commitment of Spain and the ideological commitment of the PSOE in the Sahara?

"In this there is a constant confusion, first, the role of Spain and the chance we have to intervene. The PSOE government has not changed at all the position into the Sahara and the Saharawi people in the last thirty years. We have always defended the right of the Saharawi people to self-determination under United Nations resolutions. That we will defend forever. Spain is part of the Friends of the Sahara, looking for an understanding between the people of Western Sahara and Morocco. When asked to intervene, people forget that Spain in 1975 left the conflict and placed it in the hands of the UN. There are continued efforts in making this represents a domestic dispute, and it is not. Only be resolved within the United Nations.

THAT THIS WAS THE RESPONSE GIVEN IN TRINIDAD JIMENEZ interview in the newspaper Canarias7.


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