Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Good Luck Message For Birth

The Pile Valles on reactive 45

The title of this post is rather specious, I admit.

More than anything, because the Valley area has never been dormant, as far as our sound and aesthetics referred favorite.

Examples? We will give you three, to which even the gossip we cough:

1) The Canary Sect is a band born in Caldes de Montbui the hand of the singer, Manolo (brother of one of the drivers of initiative at hand).

2) The Blessing of the Kars is usually held in the Valley, the ideal setting for walking fireball before the astonished old and look stupid sunday several

3) One third of the organization comes from Cerdanyola Boiler where pinchoteo stores a path for their more illustrious vinyl kittens.

So you see, Vallès has always been there and now in an even more special if possible, with Pile on 45 the new initiative, hand dels amics Genís and Carlos Ferrero " cactus Navarro, matter, in the center of Granollers, some of that dandyism as sybaritic appetizer to sample as well (for example) a Dry Martini and send the fees, some thoughtful notes, bars, cries and whispers vinyl severely pinched by some local selectors as Carlos Cactus, Tof, Javi Barcelona Trojan even as the great Ricard Prieto, present at the next meeting on 14 May.

So you know, if you in the area, every second Saturday of the month from 17h00 to 21h00 you have quoted in Anònims Llibreria Restaurant, C / Ricomà 57 (Granollers).

And enjoy! Vallès there for a while!


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