Thursday, May 5, 2011

Orbit Remote Car Starter Manuel

"Our government is directly responsible for 200,000 people that has the hardest shot in the desert"

Carlos Bardem, who presented the film 'Among Wolves' in the FiSahara, defended the position of the Saharawi conflict with Morocco

Carlos Bardem (Madrid, 1963) celebrated the film 'Among Wolves', Gerardo Olivares, International Film Festival of the Sahara (FiSahara). It is the third time that the greatest Bardem travels to the Tindouf refugee camps to claim a free Sahara Moroccan rule. Dignity is the word that most stops.

-Repeat and, year after year, generates new accessions to the cause. Why?

"Of interest the real problem these people. I feel a very strong bonds with the Saharawi people, I had the opportunity to be here many times and I always take a lot more than I bring. Whenever you take a lesson from people who have nothing and share it with you, people who do not surrender. It is a lesson in dignity of people neglected by the international community, by our Government, which is directly responsible for the situation of these people. Of our governments from 75 to here. Yet, I always carry a lesson of love, affection, generosity. Important life lessons.

"It was very critical of the government in its presentation of the Festival. Even with the Royal Family.

"With the Royal Family and the current foreign minister. I am the first thought that the Palestinian problem, which is a terrible issue, go for "two peoples, two states", but say it is very cheap there and throw the roll of how good we are. Here we have no common borders or commercial traffic volume we have with Morocco. The Princes of Asturias will be there to say these things and give no answer when delivered to the Prime Minister in the Moncloa Palace, as did a group of actors and directors, 250,000 signatures calling for a English citizen and intervention positioning Sahara comes very cheap and looks good. But I would like our leaders try to live up to its citizens with the Sahara. Because it is impressive and, year after year you see when you come here, these people still here, mostly thanks to the generosity and solidarity of citizens and English associations. And that, with a problem where we have direct responsibility, we have created us along with the Moroccans and the French.

-Argues that the conflict transcends commercial interests with Morocco.

"It's an issue that goes beyond the problem of the Sahara. We live in a world assembled to promote twenty gentlemen and where is run for those twenty gentlemen and others give a damn. Imports a damn send thousands of people into unemployment, a damn reduce social benefits to refinance banks refinance debt. We live in that world. I, perhaps, I have the problem that, at bottom, a utopian and I'm always showing me that we have politicians who fall short of its citizens.

"We're on the verge of an election. Hopes for change?

"It's time for people to mobilize and do something. We live in an amazing world. It's amazing that multinational companies in Spain in the street put thousands of employees while executives are shared benefits millionaires. It is incredible that the governments of our country, which, again, have direct responsibility that more than 200,000 people stranded in the hardest of the desert, do nothing. It is amazing that there are some where Morocco occupied territories violates the most basic human rights. Where are abducted, where torture, which disappears with the connivance of the English Government. Do not forget that one of the last dead was a man with DNI, a English citizen killed by Moroccan police. And the English government did not say a peep. It seems that killing English citizens is very cheap if the plant is the Moroccan police. I repeat: I report my opinion as a citizen. Just hoping to prove me wrong they are great politicians, great statesmen and, above all, human beings with a sense of dignity unblemished.

- wind of change to the so-called Arab spring?

"It's a process that, like all historical processes, one must look long term and distance, but in principle it is a very interesting thing, that shows that no genetically disabled people for democracy. They are not rioting in the stands behind the Islamist bogeyman or monsters behind the attempt to terrorize us and to justify aid to dictators. They are simply people who want democracy. Social improvement, employment and democracy. Something I think muy loable y muy bonito. Hay que seguirlo con interés y espero que, de alguna manera, todo este brote de dignidad en pueblos que llevan años pisoteados por dictadores y sátrapas nos sirvan de ejemplo a otros pueblos que lo tenemos mucho más fácil para protestar e intentar cambiar cosas.

-El objetivo final es que el FiSahara desaparezca y se celebre en un Sáhara libre.

-Sí. Este es un festival del mundo que se hace en un campo de refugiados y que nace con la voluntad de desaparecer. Si esta gente pudiera recuperar su casa, esto desaparecería. Supongo que se celebraría otro allí mucho más bonito y mucho más festivo. Pero vuelvo a insistir: yo no hago más que suplicar. Yo cargo contra nada: I'm waiting for someone to show me that makes sense of political dignity and that not all interests. And that all is not collusion towards a regime ruled by a medieval tyrant. We went again in such strange differences between friends quirky, useful dictators, and other useful idiots. It seems that this man must bear all the atrocities carried out against his own people. Because we buy many things, Ceuta and Melilla, on the boats ... I would love a government that came out of the sign outside, and put before justice and political dignity.

-justice guaranteed by the international community.

-addition. There are some resolutions United Nations to require compliance with a process of decolonization by the English and the holding of a referendum on self-determination. And that is shelved and forgotten by the English Government. Gentlemen: It is as simple as complying with the law sends us.

Source: Zahara VILLACORTA / wilaya of Dakhla - ABC


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