Sunday, May 8, 2011

Kate's Playground Materbates


Real Jaen said goodbye to his fans tied to zero goals for Sevilla Atletico in the final game of the season jienense team played at home.

The players took a banner in support of the CLUG. CARDI FRIAS
The shock was exempt from clear chances on goal despite the fact that Sevilla team Ramón Tejada the third set but top scorer with 79 goals, of the 122 clubs that are part of the First, Second and II B, second only to Barca and Real Madrid.

Fran Machado in an action game. C. FRIAS .
However, in its passage through the Hispalenses Jaén offered few plays with danger, but some approaches in the first half, as in the second just came to the goal defended by Tejera.

Diego Segura could not beat one-on-one with Jose Miguel. C. COLD
On the contrary, Jaén had three good chances to beat Jose Miguel. The first by Diego Segura (minute 12), who failed to beat the visitors goal in a one on one, and Valdés who collected the rebound but sent the ball out. Then it was the very Valdés (minute 39), that a powerful shot from the edge of the area was about to score the first goal of the game, but the ball crashed off the crossbar.

Peter was very fighting all afternoon. CARDI FRIAS
In the second part of the subsidiary stock Sevilla striker barely existed, being a spectator Tejera the meeting. It is true that, despite the Jaén had much more possession than his rival, came clearly not the target domains of Seville. However, Jaén again have a great chance to score.

I ván starred the best play of the game. C. COLD.
Canterano young Ivan had gone to the field replacing Peter, made a great play (minuto83) dodging few rivals came out at the pace and reach the edge of the box unleashed a powerful shot but the ball when everyone sang the winning goal the stands crashed into the crossbar. Has been unlucky the '12 'white' in the last two games as well as yesterday's match against Puertollano, too, after a move that can only perform with quality players, crashed the ball into the square.

Jose Mari, has completed a great season by a great team work. COLD CARDI
In short, the party that does not go down in history, but we mean that the subsidiary acted Sevilla, and gave details of a good footballer, young jienense Negrillo Jesus 'Chuck' which appeared glued to the band.

The jienense 'Chuck' At Sevilla player. Angel Martinez is trying to overcome. COLD.
With this tie Zero Real Jaén options still play King's Cup next season, although no longer depends on itself, but would qualify for the tournament if it wins KO in Roquetas Ceuta and not win, in Lepe, in San Roque.

Carmen Peñalver, a mayoral candidate for the PSOE, the party came together with other mayors future. FRIAS
At the end of the meeting were drawn over 50 players jerseys first and second division, and Galea, Captain Jaen, was honored by the Rock 'For you always. "

Fans fired the players a standing ovation. COLD.
The protocol failed on this occasion, since the Federation Cup Jaen, suggested a minute of silence for the death of its former president, José Pérez, and not carried out.


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