Saturday, May 7, 2011

Cashmere Sweater How To Wear

Interview with Luis Tosar.

1. With the number of English film stars, producers and directors renowned and respected ... why not make a serious movie-"super & q UOT; that reflects the true history of the Saharawi people, considering that Spain was a colony and is involved in the conflict? ... because information is not really needed .....¿ impotence or political interest which prevents the idea?

Thinking in terms of blockbuster for a movie-themed Sahara is not feasible in today's Spain. We would find obstacles quickly. Anyway, the idea which is working here is that you make a movie fiction directed by a director or a director of Western Sahara, even with the support of the English production.

2. Hi Luis, I wanted to ask what happened to the English government's stance against this great problem of occupation and repression of the Sahara by the Moroccan regime, greetings and good day at the festival.

is a good question for which nobody has an answer. The position we have it all clear, why is something that nobody has bothered to explain yet.

3. Hi Luis, I wanted to congratulate you on your work and ask if you had the opportunity to speak with Sahrawi activists who have traveled there from occupied Western Sahara and what do you think of the English government's lukewarm reaction to violations of human rights in Western Sahara. Thanks and regards.

Yes, we could meet with them and I assure you it is terrible to hear first hand the atrocities being committed in the occupied territories. We have seen men and women burst into the depths of his being by successive torture, rape and harassment by the Moroccan police.

4. Hi, Luis. I am Brazilian and I love movies, especially English and making I. Bollaín. Delighted to send you a question. I've seen "And the rain" and I really liked for various reasons. You has worked in other movies with strong themes and human feelings, but I wonder if it has represented something else in your career and, if so, what is the difference. Thank you very much. Greetings from Brazil Ana

It was an opportunity to learn first hand from South America are also things that relate to indigenous identity, identity that has been denied for 500 years and now start to recover by law. It was very encouraging to hear the testimony of a war like the Water, which seems unusual, it won. I think it's necessary to talk of civil unrest that win.

5. France and Spain until they to have double standards on the issue of Western Sahara. France in less than a week and in defense of human rights in Libya, operates in a fast a resolution in the UN Security Council. vein instead that any resolution to defend human rights in Western Sahara "that curious? so that the world

You yourself answer your question.

6. Hi Luis. This year, films like "Torrente 4" have swept the box office. I have not seen and do not think so. Do you think the real issue that can not see the movie is the little publicity they have? My English cinema and I like also growing. Many wanted to see in "The sleep ". A kiss

Thank you and yes, we have to advertise our films with very few resources and a very small audience share compared to having large as the U.S. cinematogreafías. In these circumstances it is very difficult compete on an equal, but we'll keep trying.

7. How are you living in Dakhla? You really are sharing life with Sahrawi families, no bath, sleeping on the floor, etc or is there special treatment for the actors?

I have to say they treat us very well and make a special effort to make us feel comfortable during these days, but yes, we share much time and many experiences with Saharawi families. Anyway, most important of our time here is to work to give more visibility and voice to the Saharawi cause and that is what we invest 90% of our efforts.

8. Confess what you felt when you came to camp? I've been there and know that impresses ... How do you take the extreme temperatures, lack of food ....?

I was particularly impressed to find that the camps are really in the middle of nowhere, with a little exercise of imagination you can get an idea, however slight, of what these people went through when he was expelled from their land and bombed and chased for hundreds of miles to be confined here. 35 years of exile in this site are 35 years of hell.

9. How do you take that to criticize the artists you impricaros both in political causes. You are in every aspect! I think part of your job as a public figure?

I'm not in every aspect because I can and because some do not want. It is difficult to avoid the widespread and we have to live with it, but everyone has to be clear about what we fight, why and in what degree of commitment. And that pertains to the territory of the city, not the actor.

10. What role will interpret your film Burn Lucus? I have to admit that if you knew many of your papers I'd be afraid. Your neighbor Olga
2C A kiss I play
Decimus Junius Brutus, who was famous for submitting the Galician people. I have to say in my defense that returned to Rome with a slight Stockholm syndrome. Kisses, Olga.

11. Hi Luis. Congratulations! for your recent work and your whole career, my wife and I admire you from "Los Lunes al Sol". What do you think about the comments of certain people who attack the movie when they seek social and political issues as being "red", "left & quo t;," idealistic, "sentimental & quot;. Thank you response.

movies I think are necessary and inevitably will be awkward for some sectors of the population, but usually put a voice to people who unfortunately never have the right to raise it in the society we live. In any case, are films, one might decide to see them or not.

12. Dear Luis Tosar .... Nice to meet you greet a friend from Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua, Mexico north of it. I congratulate you sincerely for your career in English cinema, we see every day that is on the rise, buy your film Cell 211, and manufactured here in my country, has a resolution and a first-rate cast, a very good topic other than the see in the movies to your country. this Super Chida ! Among other things, could you comment when you see in Hollywood? because you have everything in order to enter, since you are better than many of North America .. With much respect, but the role of miscreants you still like a glove .. jajja with respect! In advance thank you and hope to see you here in my country and cordially invited to visit Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua, Mexico. Sincerely and with admiration .. Roberto Orozco Luis Robledo.
Many thanks. I have not thought of any immediate foray into Hollywood cinema, which does not mean it is not open to it. But it is true that right now in Spain, we have many interesting projects that move forward and sincerely I would like to participate.

13. (...) Hours of film and claims ... but that they actually get something tangible: problems solved?, Improvements in their lives?. What happens when you return home? Thanks.

Apart from the concrete supports and initiatives carried out through FiSahara (Creation Platform All the Sahara, creating the School of Film, material contributions ...), which gives meaning to our presence here is to ensure that at least for a few days, talk about the plight of these people. Yet, sadly, when we go, and because of the cowardice and complicity of our government which remains legally responsible for these people, 250,000 Saharawi still stranded in the hardest of the Algerian desert.

14. Who to go to rolling FiSahara another year? ;)

To all to whom they have crossed his mind to come here. Any support is welcome, any help is needed. Farewell

Thank you all for being attentive and make the voice of the Saharawi people are increasingly expanding worldwide.

Source: Interviews


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