Monday, May 9, 2011

Returning Scabs On Penis

Sometimes the impossible happens

attitude is very curious European politicians towards the Saharawi people. Everyone knows the reason and the law will assist, but also all assume that you are very wrong, that little or nothing can be done by them to justice inevitably perish with the realpolitik, a term that translated into Castilian comes to mean democracy and prosperity for us, humiliation and dispossession for others.

Francesco Bastagli, which was responsible for the Minurso between 2005 and 2006 has come to recognize Dakhla. To recognize that despite the more than 100 UN resolutions in favor of the right of the Sahrawi self-determination, no one has done nothing to implement. Bastagli is now openly pro-Sahrawi, but when she to be, when he had to prove it, had to follow guidelines to the contrary and ambiguous positions.

"I resigned when I checked it was not possible to do anything. The interests of the most powerful countries are above the UN, "admitted the Italian diplomat during his visit to Dakhla FiSahara 2011, which is approaching its end.

Homeless and the tortured, the Saharawi camps and activists coming from the occupied territories, take refuge in the dignity and joy. The traditional music festival in the dunes again unite in an evening that ended up being a metaphor for a situation: quiet dusk to begin repairing rain a furious blizzard
and then sand to final.

Everyone ran for shelter when there is not yet finished his performance the guitarist Saharawi Nayim Alal, as if Morocco were to attack again. But rain in the desert was a reminder that sometimes the impossible happens
. If it rains in the desert, where small plants can sprout miraculously on the scree, then so can freedom.

With that idea in mind many people went to bed, tired after busy days in Dakhla, where it is not true that nothing happens, things happen here all the time. Sad and happy. The sad news is that the son of Prime Minister of the SADR, Abdelkader Taleb Omar, hovering between life and death in the ICU of Rabouni, after dumping his car in a dune on his way to FiSahara. A dune can kill you or you can wonder, that's life.

But within all bad news lies always a silver lining: if the son of Tabel Omar has options to survive is because Rabouni has a well equipped hospital and the Polisario because one day decided to send their children to form and many returned to Cuba as physicians. If the refugees had not done anything for organizing society into a wasteland, showing that lead a country would know infinitely more equitable, open and supportive for the
Alawite monarchy, more than any of the neighboring countries with the seized land, if they had not done any of this, the son of Omar Taleb would have no choice.

The Saharawi people still believe in your choices. And the Maghreb riots have come to show that if Mubarak is Egypt, where Ben Ali is no longer in Tunisia and if Gadhafi is cornered, is that sometimes the impossible happens. The football team of artists and journalists every year face the Saharawi hopes to avoid losing it again by 10-1. Although Alberto Ammann injured must be recognized that the thing is raw.

Although it another way, if Mourinho's tactics are realpolitik, then there is hope. For football and the Sahara.


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