Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Spanish Wedding Subjunctive

The military wall

The world's longest wall is China, but the largest military wall is Moroccan, of 2.720 kilometers, built in the Western Sahara. Designed by France and financed by Saudi Arabia was built between l980 and l987 to separate the Saharawi families, "protect" his plundering of resources, such as phosphate-Bucra and divide the territory.
To get an idea of \u200b\u200bthe huge expansion of this wall of shame, the Berlin Wall that divided East from West Germany, had only 160 kilometers. Split two thirds of the territory occupied by Morocco, where they live 300 000 Saharawi, the other third is dominated by the Polisario Front, the sole representative of the Saharawi people recognized by the United Nations where he founded the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR) in Bir Lehlu capital (provisional) in 1976.
For a state to be recognized as such in accordance with international law, should dominate territory, have a government and a requirement stable population. This meets the SADR, which is recognized by more than 80 countries and is a member of the African Union. In contrast, no country recognizes Morocco's invasion of Western Sahara. The UN continues to recognize Spain as the administering power of its former colony (hence it is the only Arabic-speaking nation).
Turning to the wall, this is made by a barrier of earth and stones of 2.5 meters by 2 meters wide. Guarded by more than 130 thousand Moroccan soldiers, has fences, barbed wire, antitank grooves and millions of landmines and anti-vehicle, anti-aircraft ammunition bunkers and radars. The most serious
International Law is that this wall divides families, violating the principle of territorial integrity of a country whose decolonization is pending, according to numerous UN resolutions.
"Why is there so lofty walls and walls so dumb?
Is it because the walls of solitary confinement, the mass media
built each day? "Asks the intellectual Uruguayan Eduardo Galeano. Each day the Moroccan
fortify it in violation 126 times more in the last year the N. Military Agreement 1 between the parties, a fact that was reported by the Secretary General UN, Ban Ki-moon, in its recent report of April 15, which also alleges violation of human rights in Izik Gdim camps and also regrets not sign a peace agreement. What you need is a cease-fire since 1991.

Just Published in the journal Environment, Lima, Peru, April 2011 Ricardo Sanchez

Serra - rsanchezserra.blogspot.com


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