Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Sample Programs For Anniv

Moroccan authorities violently suppressed a new attempt to set up camp in occupied El Aaiun

On the morning of Saturday 23 April, the Moroccan authorities have aborted the attempt to dozens of families moving to Gnaidald Saharan on the outskirts of Laayoune busy. Families thought
build a protest camp by poor social conditions that have always the fault of the authorities Moroccan occupation.
According to initial reports, dozens of people, mostly women, were injured after being surrounded and assaulted by gendarmes and troops of the auxiliary forces.

The following list shows the first victims of strokes:

Jmaiaaa Mghaimima, Essaida Baihat, Tslem Garhi, Salma Hmaidaha, Matou Emghaili, Lala Bousaoula, Darif Mhaifaid, Yousef Aaiach.

Saturday morning during clashes have erupted between Sahrawi demonstrators, waving flags of the SADR, and Moroccan police in a street in the city of Tan-Tan, no victims have been identified among the protesters.

is recalled that the Moroccan occupation forces have intervened yesterday afternoon against Sahrawi citizens who were demonstrating outside the house of the family of Dambar Said, who was killed four months ago by Moroccan police. The victim's family denied that the body will be returned as an impartial inquiry into the circumstances of the incident had not been initiated. The intervention of the Moroccan police authorities has produced five wounded were transported to hospital in the city.

In Foum El Ouad, 25 km. southeast of occupied Laayoune, dozens of unemployed and Saharawi citizens have organized a sit-in protest against marginalization and exclusion perpetrated by the Moroccan occupying authorities.

Source: Sahrawi human rights activists and Poems for a Free Sahara


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