Monday, April 11, 2011

Good Boobs In Bollywood-answers

The Canary Sect Part 2 - "The R & B is more present than ever in our repertoire,"

continue with the second (and last) part of the interview with Manolo of The Canary Sect .

In this installment, singer and founder of the band tells us what it's record bonitísimo Circo Perrotti, R & B and the public to attend their concerts.

We can not add more.

Well, yes: do not get to escape his new album, the most sacred!

Let's go!

you repeat again with Circo Perrotti Jorge right? Is your producer confidence? Will you still betting on the safety of its good performance in the future, or I like the idea of \u200b\u200bexperimenting with other producers?

His studio is amazing and his productions are guaranteed success. If you add that it is in Gijón ... because I believe that you can not ask for more. At least that's what I think. Regarding the future, that's it, enjoy and submit 47 on my mind, then God will say.

Do not you think that the ideal vehicle to promote himself once again the single, and the whole recording LPs, plus long, expensive and time consuming, we expose the public to be fixed in two to three songs catchy and not make the effort to concentrate on the rest of your recorded repertoire?

In our case, to do so long since we recorded, we had material to release a second album. I'm happy with all the songs and do not regret at all about having done so. However, it is true that I prefer to record every 1 or 2 years a Single or EP to wait 5 years to release a new long-term. We'll see what happens, now he plays is enjoying the new disc.

You expand your influence and you dare to genres that are out of your basic spectrum of R & B UK. Will it go further? Why this exploration into other styles and partial abandonment of Brit R & B canon?

If you listen to the album you will notice that the R & B is equally or more present than in Shake It but Do not break it [1 LP, NDR] therefore not agree there has been a neglect of R & B, on the contrary [note that this interview was raised before the master to hear the album, after that listen, corroborate that the R & B has great health in the portfolio of Canary Sect, NDR] . In fact, part of the new songs, the themes of the first album we keep in the portfolio are the ones that go on that line and the new versions are incorporated into the list of songs we'll play live are bands like Manfred Mann or more primitive Hollies. What it is true is that they have included new compositions and Jaime Alfredo where there are influences had not previously. But again, the sound is 100% The Canary Sect

In these years you moderate your activity rather live Is the activity will go further, now you come with a second album under his arm? Where and when you know you are going to act? Where do you especially like?

the moment we have presented concerts in Zaragoza, Valencia, San Sebastian and Granollers Torredembarra the months of May and June. The idea is to be played all year throughout the English territory and if you can play for other countries in Europe such as we did with the first disc.

How public more congenial to you throughout your career? What audience (s) you think we should ask the locals seem?

As far as I'm concerned, there are two sites that have been particularly dear to me and where I really live music as anyone. One is in Donostia and the other is Tomelloso. If you have never been in the room Tomelloso Beat and I want to enjoy watching a concert, I recommend you go.

Barcelona is a curious modernist city level. Few mods, and of those, even less aware of what you are and represent, or interested in hearing your music. What is your relationship with the environment Mod Barcelona?

The relationship with the surroundings of Barcelona mod I think is good. I understand that what we should like them. Also did not invent anything, the influences and the sound of the group are 100% 60s. Anyway, the truth is that the public mod who attend our concerts is minimal. Especially in Barcelona. Also same thing happens to other bands. It saddens me to be so, but it is what it is.

Is there anything you please add?

Well thank you for your interest in the group over the years and tell you that it was a pleasure to answer your questions.

Oh, and remember those who are interested in The Canary Sect that the disc will be available in late April and will not disappoint you because it sounds like a cannon!



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