Thursday, April 7, 2011

How To Put A Status On Oovoo

Barcelona on the Rocks - "The Brothers Carandell can be very proud"

In this blog, we talked many times of bars, already tired.

We did it to celebrate the fifth anniversary cherries, or to mourn the closing (and happily passed) of our temple, Ramón Bar.

We've already spent all the words, believe me.

a second! Are all? Oh no! All no. All you can not spend.

But Fernando Muñiz (Barcelona mythical character we like) has been dedicated to the permanent bar to his impending book, On The Rocks Barcelona.

was learned that he was writing and chase our cojonera questions. Finally, he gave up to our sorrow and here it is, exclusively, Fernando Bars and talking about how you have carandellianamente reflected in his new literary creature.

Cheers Chin-Chin! Prost!

We are surprised at news that, after a multitude of activities (from the Portobello Bar to the shed and English Bizarro Flandis Mandis, through the Bretons) are about to publish a book. How to be titled? What's going? Do you take pictures / drawings or is all fine print?

is called Barcelona On the Rocks and a tour of bars of all kinds in the city of Barcelona like, depending on the local, especially the bizarre, politically incorrect, as disparate as psychotronic, etc. of each bar. Basically, what attracts attention or makes it different from the rest, for whatever reason. Sometimes in the positive way, others negative.

And yes, take lots of pictures. There are things you need to see a picture to believe.

Just Barcelona City bars, or even province?

Barcelona city and its spectrum hospitality is overwhelming, so far we have screened the city and some very specific time around so invaluable to them.

discriminant What you used to rule the bars will not leave?

imposts There are bars, franchises, local impersonal will do nothing, nurseries, tourist and Erasmus, bars-that-Manu-Chao-was-here ... They do not come out of sharing the general philosophy of the work . Think of some 2,000 sites visited in the end only have room for about 100. And many of these I have chosen to go up ten times to catch the point peasantry.

Tell us how and when the idea was born. Will work Carandelliana? Would Don and Don Josep Lluís Maria pride?

can be very proud of both. The seminal idea was inspired by the Secret Guide to Barcelona of José María Carandell. That basically hung in the center of Barcelona. In this book we skip those boundaries and, indeed, the great theme park nearby Las Ramblas and we just.

masterfully portrayed a city Carandell through its low funding, we give a little back to the original idea and adapt to the times in which the bar, in general, serves as the backbone of social life for different reasons, in many cases highlighted in the book. It also reflects the state of things in the world today bar. Each day closes a bar and possibly some of which are included in the work is closed in the meantime, since the visit until you leave the book, so too has the value of the testimony of something that will never .

Does it take long to complete the work since you did write it?

More than two years.

How many THE BAR (s) you have in your life? That is, how many and what are, right now, the bars are both your shelter and you must visit each very short time?

I'm pretty loyal to the bars that I like. I firmly believe in friendly waiter who more than other qualities. It should be compulsory subject in the guild a graduate of customer care. This is one of the things that are claimed in the book constantly. Today, though less for family matters, I still go to bars them forever, and sometimes I was pleasantly surprised how that waiter is still remembered my name.

Go out in the book or they prefer to keep the secret?

Some yes, but for other reasons beyond my personal relationship with them, but would like a private joke with no reason. I assure you that comes out is for some reason, say, Carandelliano and / or Celtiberian.

What role have your friends to take the time to scan the bars in Barcelona?

There is a small bar that I have been recommended by people who have seen, usual, or have been called something specific care of them. On the other hand, is a part of the book in which people of Barcelona takes me to his favorite bar and there was talk about this bar in particular, that person's relationship with the bars in general and, in turn, becomes a refresher bars that have marked its existence sometime in the past. I can tell you of Miqui Puig, Ringo Julian Kiko Amat, Joaquín Felipe, Ricky Gil, etc. etc. who have kindly lent to teach their favorite bar. There are also politicians, writers, TV presenters, journalists, musicians ... a little of everything and everyone tells you his story from his point of view.

Tell us, please, one of the thousands of stories sure to read this book

Puffff many, but I've been taken by inspector Finance, SGAE, City Hall, Social Security, by a secret ... a union is heavily punished by the administrations and it is normal to be wary of you at a bar in Caramel that would not go there if you missed it, although I must say that in general, the waiters and owners are great people and that those who have given to testify many times have we been left surprised by the amazing stories that have revealed.

When will the street?

Sale in mid-April.

A fortnight hence. Almost ná.

From here, just need to wait for the book strain on our shelves. And what better place than the bar Rafel, or Ramon or Cargolet or the ...?

[ In the picture, the book's cover is still provisional. "Although just opened, this is the Facebook the book, adds Fernando ]


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