Friday, April 22, 2011

Mma Bags Thessaloniki

Laayoune FIGHT IS ON!

Hundreds of Sahrawi citizens are manifested in the Occupied Aaiun against the Moroccan occupation of Western Sahara, demonstrations were held in various neighborhoods, where protesters called for the independence of the Sahara repeating slogans such as "Morocco out and free Sahara "and" no other choice but to self-determination. "

and had met dozens of Saharawi late Tuesday on the streets of Mamun in Maatallah neighborhood in the center of Laayoune, which is the center of the protests and repeated slogans condemning the arrest of dozens of prisoners policy in the Black Prison of Aaiun and other jails in Morocco.
also Mezuar Street Smara and similar demonstrations have been presented before the court of appeals SADR flags and political slogans. Miercules morning, activists in the intifada have made a great campaign of graffiti on the walls in the streets of Zemla, and Ras Bu Craa eljaima and in particular the Institute called, Hassan I. And

the neighborhood of the AAUD a youth group decided to focus on a public square in condemnation of marginalization and exclusion that the Sahrawi population lives.

While Mekka Street, a group of unemployed Sahrawi decided to open a concentration since the occupation administration has not responded to their demands.

up off the black prison of Laayoune concentrated several families of political prisoners after hearing rumors about his release, but the occupation forces surrounded the place and caused panic among the families. And

headquarters called the National Council of Human Rights held a demonstration of the families of the disappeared to the disinterest of the occupation authorities.

Finally, the Moroccan authorities released Ali Taklbut activist after spending two days in detention, during which he was tortured and interrogated about Iizk Gdim participation. Ali accused the executioner Elhaisuni taklbut Mohamed torturadi him with his group.
media team
Posted by Sahara Thawra


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