Friday, April 22, 2011

Peach Color Womansolini Suits

Hundreds of people demonstrate outside the wall that divides the Saharawi

With shouts of "Sahrawi go hand in hand together to Freedom" and " win! "hundreds of citizens have rallied against the militarized wall that keeps people apart Sahara since 1980. In the desert, 80 kilometers from the refugee camps at a distance of 800 meters from the demilitarized zone, the activists have shown their rejection of what they see as abuses by the Moroccan government, responsible for building 2,400 kilometers of wall . The 35 Saharawi flags waving in the strong sirocco wind represented the number of years the population of the desert has been waiting for the right to self determination.

The symbolic act of peaceful petition, which this year celebrates its fourth edition, has become an annual competition that brings together various organizations to support lpueblo English Sahara and several African countries. This year, participating members of the Union of Algerian Women, the Women's Union of Guinea-Bissau, English organizations related to children's vacation programs Saharawi activists arrived in the occupied territories and the organization of Column Thousand, promoter of the initiative which organizes weeks of living in desert refugee families in Algeria. Territory

Front undermined political wall guarded by 180,000 soldiers, whose maintenance costs the Government of Morocco four million dollars each day according to government sources are plasma-Saharan indignation of a people that composed the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic ( SADR) on 27 February 1976.

The near-called "wall of shame", one of the largest in the world is a dangerous space for the inhabitants of the desert: minasantipersona five million, according to the Polisario, continúan activas en la zona, pese a ser una munición prohibida por Naciones Unidas. La última en estallar estaba fabricada en Italia y le sesgó la mitad del pie a uno de los voluntarios saharauis durante la protesta de 208. Brahim Hosin, exasperado por la "impotencia que sienten los saharauis delante del muro, se aproximó conrabia al cerco militar y pisó la mina", recuerda Pilar, profesora de la Universidad de La Lagunaque presenció el incidente.

Ahmed Saleam es un antiguo soldado del ejército del Frente Polisario y trabaja en la localización de las minas antipersona. Acude a la protesta frente al muro como parte del dispositivo de seguridad del ministerio de Defensa de la RASD. Según los cálculos que estima Sahrawi government, some five million mines are still active in the vicinity of military construction. "Most come from France and are of the 70" says Saleam. The localization process of these munitions is difficult with the passage of time and the weather acciónde. "Van is being buried and difficult to reach them."

to know where they are located, is conducting studies in which oral testimony played a key role: "We have to ask the pastors of the area or the oldest inhabitants can remember the points where the Moroccan army placed the mines. " Saleanno is a professional, not his fellow brigade "The only training here is experience." Rabies in the skin

Several activists occupied cities in Western Sahara Morocco attended the protest. The memory of GDEM Izik-protest camp on the outskirts of Laayoune that violently disbanded the army in Morocco on 8 November, marked the day's demands. Naima

Soufi, activist imprisoned for one week following the events of GDEM Izik, went to the vicinity of the wall while acknowledging that his return to Laayoune, "I'll have problems." Bushlan Ali, who was "disappeared" for ten years in Moroccan detention center Maguire says which in turn continued freedom activism because she is "just cause." Ali is a living witness of enforced disappearances that occurred between 1975 and 1981. Facing the wall

stories concentrate repression of the Saharawi people. Of Nhabouha Bontauguiza is that of a woman who embodies the struggle of the Saharawi women. It is a activistaintegrante mothers Committee of 15 hostages during the intifada of 2005. Moroccan government attaches to the disappearance of two of his brothers and in the process of clarifying the facts has maintained contacts with senior team of Mohamed VI. "The Moroccan justice minister came one day to identify and then filed our case."

The protest was held today ended after less than an hour with a dinner hosted by UJSARIO, Polisario Front's youth. Many of those who were there are clear that repeated next year, "until we get freedom, without it, we have nothing," concluded Ali.

Source: Pú


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