Friday, April 29, 2011

Carbon Monoxide Bad Taste In Mouth

The Zoo

sharpening of souls "is a cartoon I drew on script from Matthew Santellan : leaves in The Bat May.

This is a small home recording, that is my dog \u200b\u200bbarking and my cat meowing were not added by me: the sound editing is exclusively of Destiny.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Bench Fix Salon Eastwood

world's longest UN human rights monitoring prevents Western Sahara Spain

Council Security dismissed today the creation of a mechanism for monitoring human rights within the UN Mission the Referendum in Western Sahara (MINURSO).
The incorporation of this function to the tasks of the quota was raised by the office of UN High Commissioner for Human Rights following the events of last November at Camp Izik Gdeim Saharawi civilians. On that occasion

forces Morocco, which occupies the Western Sahara since 1975 after the withdrawal of former colonial English, attacked a refugee camp with several deaths and the arrests of about 150 residents.
The idea of \u200b\u200badding to the MINURSO to monitor human rights was rejected earlier by the UN secretary general, Ban Ki-moon, to omit from the report that just discussed the Security Council on the conflict.
In a resolution adopted on Wednesday, the 15 members of this body is merely to emphasize the importance of improving those rights in Western Sahara and the Saharawi refugee camps in Tindouf (Algeria).
And welcome the establishment in Morocco of a national commission called human rights "and the proposed component related to the Western Sahara."
The text was adopted from a draft prepared by the so-called Group of Friends of Western Sahara (USA, France, Spain, UK and Russia) that does not include any African or Arab country, natural regions of the Saharan territory.
Speaking the press, Ambassador of South Africa, Baso Sangqu, lamented the non-insertion mechanism in the Minurso supervisor, but felt that the text adopted by the Council reflects a step forward in the treatment of the conflict.
also emphasized that the document reaffirms the theme of self-determination for the Saharawi people, original and continuing objective of MINURSO since its inception in 1991.
The Security Council also decided to extend for one year the mandate of this task force, composed at present by some 230 troops from 30 countries, including Argentina, Brazil, El Salvador, Honduras and Uruguay, in Latin America.
also called on Morocco and the Polisario Front to continue "in good faith and without preconditions," the negotiations held since 2006 under the auspices of the UN.
All "with an eye to achieving a just, lasting and mutually acceptable solution that will lead to self-determination for the people of Western Sahara," the resolution.

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prioritizes its relationship with Morocco

The Government will this week to strengthen and promote economic relations with Morocco

The Government will this week to strengthen and promote economic relations with Morocco during the visit that Moroccan government broad representation held in Spain between today and tomorrow.

The priority of trade relations will find that only in 2010, moved 6,200 million euros. Spain is, in fact, Morocco's second trading partner after France and the country are settled more than 800 English companies. The Moroccan delegation comprises the Ministers of Economy, Energy and Environment, Industry and Trade, Tourism and Transport and the Minister to the Prime Minister for Economic and General Affairs. They also travel diplomats and business representatives in the country. Renewables

One of the issues to be discussed during the meeting will have to do with the Moroccan Government's intention to diversify its energy sources. By 2013 plans to create three different solar power plants and building wind farms in which English companies could participate.

It is envisaged that during the visit, the Government raised the Moroccan representatives of the conflict in Western Sahara, despite repeated requests from Congress, which has urged the Executive to take action on the matter.

Although not the same as some of its neighbors, Morocco is undergoing a reform process instigated by popular protests have not affected, however, relationships with Spain.

The delegation is scheduled to meet with representatives of the English employers, with the ministers of Economy and Foreign Affairs, Elena Salgado, Trinidad Jiménez, respectively, along with the king.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Bazaj Alliance Fix Plan


Tuesday, April 26, 2011

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Moroccan authorities violently suppressed a new attempt to set up camp in occupied El Aaiun

On the morning of Saturday 23 April, the Moroccan authorities have aborted the attempt to dozens of families moving to Gnaidald Saharan on the outskirts of Laayoune busy. Families thought
build a protest camp by poor social conditions that have always the fault of the authorities Moroccan occupation.
According to initial reports, dozens of people, mostly women, were injured after being surrounded and assaulted by gendarmes and troops of the auxiliary forces.

The following list shows the first victims of strokes:

Jmaiaaa Mghaimima, Essaida Baihat, Tslem Garhi, Salma Hmaidaha, Matou Emghaili, Lala Bousaoula, Darif Mhaifaid, Yousef Aaiach.

Saturday morning during clashes have erupted between Sahrawi demonstrators, waving flags of the SADR, and Moroccan police in a street in the city of Tan-Tan, no victims have been identified among the protesters.

is recalled that the Moroccan occupation forces have intervened yesterday afternoon against Sahrawi citizens who were demonstrating outside the house of the family of Dambar Said, who was killed four months ago by Moroccan police. The victim's family denied that the body will be returned as an impartial inquiry into the circumstances of the incident had not been initiated. The intervention of the Moroccan police authorities has produced five wounded were transported to hospital in the city.

In Foum El Ouad, 25 km. southeast of occupied Laayoune, dozens of unemployed and Saharawi citizens have organized a sit-in protest against marginalization and exclusion perpetrated by the Moroccan occupying authorities.

Source: Sahrawi human rights activists and Poems for a Free Sahara

Friday, April 22, 2011

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April 20, 2011 - Families of Saharawi political prisoners - Prison
We, the families of Saharawi political prisoners languishing in the prison of Salé in Morocco whose causes have been unjustly sent to military court with no evidence exists against him, declare our unconditional support to all demands and claims made our imprisoned family members that are listed in his statement of 15 April 2011, by which announced the reasons for beginning a hunger strike, after taking two in the months of February and March, which was also followed in February by the families for a period of 48 hours without charge are given the answer the situation faced by families and the state in which our children are in prison.

All families of detainees announce our boycott of visits "dummy", among other reasons:

* We were not allowed to visit prisoners during a week in March, having been suspended our right of access illegally.
* Recognize the right of our children their status as political prisoners, since they were arrested for his participation in the Western Sahara issue
* Speed \u200b\u200bup the celebration with guarantees of their trials without further delay, as we are fully convinced of his innocence
* Try the perpetrators responsible for detention, torture and ask the media to get their cooperation to the public the truth about the cause of the detainees and political conviction on the condition of our children and their families
* We maintain this and keep fighting replacement until all our rights.

Committee of Relatives of Saharawi political prisoners for their participation in the Camp Gdeim Izik currently in prison for Sale (Morocco)

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Hundreds of people demonstrate outside the wall that divides the Saharawi

With shouts of "Sahrawi go hand in hand together to Freedom" and " win! "hundreds of citizens have rallied against the militarized wall that keeps people apart Sahara since 1980. In the desert, 80 kilometers from the refugee camps at a distance of 800 meters from the demilitarized zone, the activists have shown their rejection of what they see as abuses by the Moroccan government, responsible for building 2,400 kilometers of wall . The 35 Saharawi flags waving in the strong sirocco wind represented the number of years the population of the desert has been waiting for the right to self determination.

The symbolic act of peaceful petition, which this year celebrates its fourth edition, has become an annual competition that brings together various organizations to support lpueblo English Sahara and several African countries. This year, participating members of the Union of Algerian Women, the Women's Union of Guinea-Bissau, English organizations related to children's vacation programs Saharawi activists arrived in the occupied territories and the organization of Column Thousand, promoter of the initiative which organizes weeks of living in desert refugee families in Algeria. Territory

Front undermined political wall guarded by 180,000 soldiers, whose maintenance costs the Government of Morocco four million dollars each day according to government sources are plasma-Saharan indignation of a people that composed the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic ( SADR) on 27 February 1976.

The near-called "wall of shame", one of the largest in the world is a dangerous space for the inhabitants of the desert: minasantipersona five million, according to the Polisario, continúan activas en la zona, pese a ser una munición prohibida por Naciones Unidas. La última en estallar estaba fabricada en Italia y le sesgó la mitad del pie a uno de los voluntarios saharauis durante la protesta de 208. Brahim Hosin, exasperado por la "impotencia que sienten los saharauis delante del muro, se aproximó conrabia al cerco militar y pisó la mina", recuerda Pilar, profesora de la Universidad de La Lagunaque presenció el incidente.

Ahmed Saleam es un antiguo soldado del ejército del Frente Polisario y trabaja en la localización de las minas antipersona. Acude a la protesta frente al muro como parte del dispositivo de seguridad del ministerio de Defensa de la RASD. Según los cálculos que estima Sahrawi government, some five million mines are still active in the vicinity of military construction. "Most come from France and are of the 70" says Saleam. The localization process of these munitions is difficult with the passage of time and the weather acciónde. "Van is being buried and difficult to reach them."

to know where they are located, is conducting studies in which oral testimony played a key role: "We have to ask the pastors of the area or the oldest inhabitants can remember the points where the Moroccan army placed the mines. " Saleanno is a professional, not his fellow brigade "The only training here is experience." Rabies in the skin

Several activists occupied cities in Western Sahara Morocco attended the protest. The memory of GDEM Izik-protest camp on the outskirts of Laayoune that violently disbanded the army in Morocco on 8 November, marked the day's demands. Naima

Soufi, activist imprisoned for one week following the events of GDEM Izik, went to the vicinity of the wall while acknowledging that his return to Laayoune, "I'll have problems." Bushlan Ali, who was "disappeared" for ten years in Moroccan detention center Maguire says which in turn continued freedom activism because she is "just cause." Ali is a living witness of enforced disappearances that occurred between 1975 and 1981. Facing the wall

stories concentrate repression of the Saharawi people. Of Nhabouha Bontauguiza is that of a woman who embodies the struggle of the Saharawi women. It is a activistaintegrante mothers Committee of 15 hostages during the intifada of 2005. Moroccan government attaches to the disappearance of two of his brothers and in the process of clarifying the facts has maintained contacts with senior team of Mohamed VI. "The Moroccan justice minister came one day to identify and then filed our case."

The protest was held today ended after less than an hour with a dinner hosted by UJSARIO, Polisario Front's youth. Many of those who were there are clear that repeated next year, "until we get freedom, without it, we have nothing," concluded Ali.

Source: Pú

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Laayoune FIGHT IS ON!

Hundreds of Sahrawi citizens are manifested in the Occupied Aaiun against the Moroccan occupation of Western Sahara, demonstrations were held in various neighborhoods, where protesters called for the independence of the Sahara repeating slogans such as "Morocco out and free Sahara "and" no other choice but to self-determination. "

and had met dozens of Saharawi late Tuesday on the streets of Mamun in Maatallah neighborhood in the center of Laayoune, which is the center of the protests and repeated slogans condemning the arrest of dozens of prisoners policy in the Black Prison of Aaiun and other jails in Morocco.
also Mezuar Street Smara and similar demonstrations have been presented before the court of appeals SADR flags and political slogans. Miercules morning, activists in the intifada have made a great campaign of graffiti on the walls in the streets of Zemla, and Ras Bu Craa eljaima and in particular the Institute called, Hassan I. And

the neighborhood of the AAUD a youth group decided to focus on a public square in condemnation of marginalization and exclusion that the Sahrawi population lives.

While Mekka Street, a group of unemployed Sahrawi decided to open a concentration since the occupation administration has not responded to their demands.

up off the black prison of Laayoune concentrated several families of political prisoners after hearing rumors about his release, but the occupation forces surrounded the place and caused panic among the families. And

headquarters called the National Council of Human Rights held a demonstration of the families of the disappeared to the disinterest of the occupation authorities.

Finally, the Moroccan authorities released Ali Taklbut activist after spending two days in detention, during which he was tortured and interrogated about Iizk Gdim participation. Ali accused the executioner Elhaisuni taklbut Mohamed torturadi him with his group.
media team
Posted by Sahara Thawra

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Incidents in Rabat after death

Riot control agents today dispersed a group of Sahrawi students who caused damage at a residence at the University Mohamed V in Rabat, after the death last night of a young man in a fight , police sources told Efe.

The source said that "the young man who died was named Hamadi laData and died yesterday after being stabbed in Rabat."

civil governor of the Moroccan capital, Mohamed Regreg, told reporters that "a group of students from the southern provinces (Western Sahara) used the death of the young to retain in his office at the residence hall director Suisi 2 "which was released shortly after by police.

added that "the agitators sabotaged the tram, and the company has reported losses reach three million dirham (about 265,000 euros)." According

Efe could check in place, young burned two offices of the university residence and smashed windows of several buildings.

From early morning, students took the main avenue of the campus with their heads covered with scarves and brandishing weapons.

MAP news agency said that the judicial police has launched an inquiry into the facts and stop the death of the student author.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Name Of Schooners In The 1700's

Debut vinyl Vibe Creators - and great fun our

took us longer but it was inevitable that we had just talking about one of the major record references homelands so far this year, which combines perfectly-well-with a first reference afortunadísima (album of the Faith Keepers ) for a seal, Lontano Records that this step is clarinet that we will follow more than pleasant surprises in store. Layla

Muñoz, Sergio Albentosa, Laurent Erdös and Danilo Argenti, namely the Valencian The Vibe Creators , debuted with a 45 RPM that in addition to overshadow other references in seven inches of the same label as the single most correct Talk & The Woohoo and 45 of the Madrid forgettable Groovin 'Flamingos (clones, these, which fortunately left behind bands such as Cool Jerks ), displays only two songs in the vast stylistic range of the quartet who visited us recently the Hervidero.

I Do not Want to Be Lonely , side A, it has everything to that in the golden hours of any Allnighter worthy of the name, invite / respectable the elegant slip on the parquet. A delicate morsel of Soul where Layla gives a valid driving lesson on vocal cords and where the band sounds like heaven-pulling-a-soaring.

La cara B, Latinfunktion , tiene un título que acojonaría, si no fuese porque sabemos, pero que muito bêm , quiénes están detrás del proyecto. Así que ya pueden ir bajando ese genital de su gaznate, porque aquí ni con vista de águila se barrunta el menor rastro de verbena poblana. Aquí, lo que tenemos, es un tema de Latin Funk Soul que a los Village Callers les habría encantado meter en su mítico elepé.

Y, en caso de que estuvieran todavía leyendo estos renglones en vez de remover cielo y tierra en busca de una copia del disco, les dejamos con otra apreciación. Así, de propina: Cómo se nota que, cuando ambos temas materialized in the studio, the controls were Carlo Coupé and the place was his study Funk-o-rama .

As noted, Je-SSUSER!

[ Come down to our links section, find the link to the page Lontano Records, and ipso facto acquire your copy before it runs out. And I do not find it in stores, if a fault has the stamp, is the distribution. Perdoneu, but some ho havia dir]

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

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a young Saharawi President of the Human Rights Commission of the Chamber of Deputies of Argentina requested recognition of the SADR

Legislator Victoria Donda, president of the Human Rights Commission of the Chamber of Deputies of Argentina, claimed Monday the government of his country in the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic, reports ANSA news agency. Victoria Donda
recalled that the Saharawi Republic was recognized by all countries in Latin America, "with the exception of Argentina and Chile." Statements in Donda
took place after receiving yesterday in the Argentine Congress to the envoy of the Saharawi Arab Democratic Republic, Salme Bachir, "to learn about the serious situation of human rights violations suffered by the Sahrawi people in Western Sahara , by the Kingdom of Morocco ", said in a statement quoted by Italian news agency. (SPS)

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GDEIM Morocco continues releasing Saharawi political prisoners. Incidents in El Aaiun

Canarias18/04/2011 Islands
On Monday Morocco has released 14 political prisoners. Expected 27, as previously announced, and the only release 14 prisoners were reported disturbances in the vicinity of the prison between prisoners' families and police released no Moroccan guarding the site.
The Moroccan government continues with the strategy of releasing political prisoners who had not been tried, despite having months in prison, to try to calm the waters coming down from Brussels and riots that could remove part of the pie that Western Sahara has so far benefited. Monday had released 14 political prisoners, what names are still awaited. All sources indicate that they would Saharawi citizens were arrested after the dismantling of Gdeim Izik and the subsequent events that have occurred in recent months.

However, around the prison compound, as eyewitnesses, there were riots among relatives of prisoners who have not been released and police guarding the prison compound. During the day, Laayoune circulated the news that 27 prisoners would be released and finally were only 14. The riots were moved over the hours around the prison Saharawi neighborhoods of the capital of Western Sahara.

From Morocco has not yet argued this decision taken by surprise to the Saharawi own. The work already undertaken by representatives of the United Nations SADR and the supra-national organization has a way to ensure that MINURSO Human Rights is one of the triggers this cascade of releases by the Alawite kingdom. Similarly, from the European Parliament, is also pressing economic, legal reviewing a possible violation of international law in the agreements that the EU was signed with Morocco at the behest of the European Commission.

Monday, April 11, 2011

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From today, every Tuesday will Cartoon Patagonian my collection of mythological animals contained in circles. Dragon opens the cycle, an infinite dragon, the ancient dragon Father in heaven.

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The Canary Sect Part 2 - "The R & B is more present than ever in our repertoire,"

continue with the second (and last) part of the interview with Manolo of The Canary Sect .

In this installment, singer and founder of the band tells us what it's record bonitísimo Circo Perrotti, R & B and the public to attend their concerts.

We can not add more.

Well, yes: do not get to escape his new album, the most sacred!

Let's go!

you repeat again with Circo Perrotti Jorge right? Is your producer confidence? Will you still betting on the safety of its good performance in the future, or I like the idea of \u200b\u200bexperimenting with other producers?

His studio is amazing and his productions are guaranteed success. If you add that it is in Gijón ... because I believe that you can not ask for more. At least that's what I think. Regarding the future, that's it, enjoy and submit 47 on my mind, then God will say.

Do not you think that the ideal vehicle to promote himself once again the single, and the whole recording LPs, plus long, expensive and time consuming, we expose the public to be fixed in two to three songs catchy and not make the effort to concentrate on the rest of your recorded repertoire?

In our case, to do so long since we recorded, we had material to release a second album. I'm happy with all the songs and do not regret at all about having done so. However, it is true that I prefer to record every 1 or 2 years a Single or EP to wait 5 years to release a new long-term. We'll see what happens, now he plays is enjoying the new disc.

You expand your influence and you dare to genres that are out of your basic spectrum of R & B UK. Will it go further? Why this exploration into other styles and partial abandonment of Brit R & B canon?

If you listen to the album you will notice that the R & B is equally or more present than in Shake It but Do not break it [1 LP, NDR] therefore not agree there has been a neglect of R & B, on the contrary [note that this interview was raised before the master to hear the album, after that listen, corroborate that the R & B has great health in the portfolio of Canary Sect, NDR] . In fact, part of the new songs, the themes of the first album we keep in the portfolio are the ones that go on that line and the new versions are incorporated into the list of songs we'll play live are bands like Manfred Mann or more primitive Hollies. What it is true is that they have included new compositions and Jaime Alfredo where there are influences had not previously. But again, the sound is 100% The Canary Sect

In these years you moderate your activity rather live Is the activity will go further, now you come with a second album under his arm? Where and when you know you are going to act? Where do you especially like?

the moment we have presented concerts in Zaragoza, Valencia, San Sebastian and Granollers Torredembarra the months of May and June. The idea is to be played all year throughout the English territory and if you can play for other countries in Europe such as we did with the first disc.

How public more congenial to you throughout your career? What audience (s) you think we should ask the locals seem?

As far as I'm concerned, there are two sites that have been particularly dear to me and where I really live music as anyone. One is in Donostia and the other is Tomelloso. If you have never been in the room Tomelloso Beat and I want to enjoy watching a concert, I recommend you go.

Barcelona is a curious modernist city level. Few mods, and of those, even less aware of what you are and represent, or interested in hearing your music. What is your relationship with the environment Mod Barcelona?

The relationship with the surroundings of Barcelona mod I think is good. I understand that what we should like them. Also did not invent anything, the influences and the sound of the group are 100% 60s. Anyway, the truth is that the public mod who attend our concerts is minimal. Especially in Barcelona. Also same thing happens to other bands. It saddens me to be so, but it is what it is.

Is there anything you please add?

Well thank you for your interest in the group over the years and tell you that it was a pleasure to answer your questions.

Oh, and remember those who are interested in The Canary Sect that the disc will be available in late April and will not disappoint you because it sounds like a cannon!


Friday, April 8, 2011

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Le Clean Cut is still committed to a 100% Mod in Barcelona

The third session Clean Cut you already have date for Saturday May 21 and expands its offering radically.

On this occasion, and already formatted nighter club, event organizers first came to Flame Blues to the stage of the city, and will-also-with the contribution of the very young Scott Fraser Simpson, from the UK, the veteran prime mover Gallo Roch Vidal, from Perpignan, and Barcelona Dani Alpha Boys . The idea: to continue offering a wide range of sounds, tastes great for mods.

A quality space background of the Underground Chamber, next to the legendary Tuset Street, with seating limited to only 100 people.

Le Clean Cut

Saturday May 21

Underground Chamber

Granada Penedes 19

20h00 to 03h30 (time resacaldayafter European-free)

Admission: € 8 (advance) or 12 € (box office)

[ For more information, access to wordpress by our impeccable club links section, or search the Caralibro. Advance tickets on sale in the Daily or online. Flyer design Mar Borrajo ]

Thursday, April 7, 2011

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Barcelona on the Rocks - "The Brothers Carandell can be very proud"

In this blog, we talked many times of bars, already tired.

We did it to celebrate the fifth anniversary cherries, or to mourn the closing (and happily passed) of our temple, Ramón Bar.

We've already spent all the words, believe me.

a second! Are all? Oh no! All no. All you can not spend.

But Fernando Muñiz (Barcelona mythical character we like) has been dedicated to the permanent bar to his impending book, On The Rocks Barcelona.

was learned that he was writing and chase our cojonera questions. Finally, he gave up to our sorrow and here it is, exclusively, Fernando Bars and talking about how you have carandellianamente reflected in his new literary creature.

Cheers Chin-Chin! Prost!

We are surprised at news that, after a multitude of activities (from the Portobello Bar to the shed and English Bizarro Flandis Mandis, through the Bretons) are about to publish a book. How to be titled? What's going? Do you take pictures / drawings or is all fine print?

is called Barcelona On the Rocks and a tour of bars of all kinds in the city of Barcelona like, depending on the local, especially the bizarre, politically incorrect, as disparate as psychotronic, etc. of each bar. Basically, what attracts attention or makes it different from the rest, for whatever reason. Sometimes in the positive way, others negative.

And yes, take lots of pictures. There are things you need to see a picture to believe.

Just Barcelona City bars, or even province?

Barcelona city and its spectrum hospitality is overwhelming, so far we have screened the city and some very specific time around so invaluable to them.

discriminant What you used to rule the bars will not leave?

imposts There are bars, franchises, local impersonal will do nothing, nurseries, tourist and Erasmus, bars-that-Manu-Chao-was-here ... They do not come out of sharing the general philosophy of the work . Think of some 2,000 sites visited in the end only have room for about 100. And many of these I have chosen to go up ten times to catch the point peasantry.

Tell us how and when the idea was born. Will work Carandelliana? Would Don and Don Josep Lluís Maria pride?

can be very proud of both. The seminal idea was inspired by the Secret Guide to Barcelona of José María Carandell. That basically hung in the center of Barcelona. In this book we skip those boundaries and, indeed, the great theme park nearby Las Ramblas and we just.

masterfully portrayed a city Carandell through its low funding, we give a little back to the original idea and adapt to the times in which the bar, in general, serves as the backbone of social life for different reasons, in many cases highlighted in the book. It also reflects the state of things in the world today bar. Each day closes a bar and possibly some of which are included in the work is closed in the meantime, since the visit until you leave the book, so too has the value of the testimony of something that will never .

Does it take long to complete the work since you did write it?

More than two years.

How many THE BAR (s) you have in your life? That is, how many and what are, right now, the bars are both your shelter and you must visit each very short time?

I'm pretty loyal to the bars that I like. I firmly believe in friendly waiter who more than other qualities. It should be compulsory subject in the guild a graduate of customer care. This is one of the things that are claimed in the book constantly. Today, though less for family matters, I still go to bars them forever, and sometimes I was pleasantly surprised how that waiter is still remembered my name.

Go out in the book or they prefer to keep the secret?

Some yes, but for other reasons beyond my personal relationship with them, but would like a private joke with no reason. I assure you that comes out is for some reason, say, Carandelliano and / or Celtiberian.

What role have your friends to take the time to scan the bars in Barcelona?

There is a small bar that I have been recommended by people who have seen, usual, or have been called something specific care of them. On the other hand, is a part of the book in which people of Barcelona takes me to his favorite bar and there was talk about this bar in particular, that person's relationship with the bars in general and, in turn, becomes a refresher bars that have marked its existence sometime in the past. I can tell you of Miqui Puig, Ringo Julian Kiko Amat, Joaquín Felipe, Ricky Gil, etc. etc. who have kindly lent to teach their favorite bar. There are also politicians, writers, TV presenters, journalists, musicians ... a little of everything and everyone tells you his story from his point of view.

Tell us, please, one of the thousands of stories sure to read this book

Puffff many, but I've been taken by inspector Finance, SGAE, City Hall, Social Security, by a secret ... a union is heavily punished by the administrations and it is normal to be wary of you at a bar in Caramel that would not go there if you missed it, although I must say that in general, the waiters and owners are great people and that those who have given to testify many times have we been left surprised by the amazing stories that have revealed.

When will the street?

Sale in mid-April.

A fortnight hence. Almost ná.

From here, just need to wait for the book strain on our shelves. And what better place than the bar Rafel, or Ramon or Cargolet or the ...?

[ In the picture, the book's cover is still provisional. "Although just opened, this is the Facebook the book, adds Fernando ]

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Tattoos Of Women Genitals

The Canary Sect Part 1 - "Paul and I had to rebuild entirely banda "

not at all easy to talk about how good friends do .

Who will believe us?

We would be like those fools who, lacking the minor criteria, give peixet the aide for the mere fact of being. Praising closing his eyes (and often the ears), thinking more of the good old days, that the particular object being examined. Being enthusiastic about the meaning of the term more tiresome, does not help, we are aware of it.

And, despite everything, it seems that readers are wary of our criteria when to assess what is going on this blog that now, after a deserved parentheses are on again with the first part of the exclusive interview with Manolo, singer and alma mater of The Canary Sect.

hope that this sincere tribute to this most obvious friendship that unites us with the members of this band, not hinder our strong claim as The Canary Sect in his excellent band (s) gender ( s), and as a sublime example of resistance to adversity that almost swept the band in at least one occasion.

We were also and let us endorsement, waiting months to the process of recording their forthcoming second album was out, to chat with Manolo on some whys and hows of the group. On how they have endured the kind out also grown and improved each onslaught. To not go, and leave them with The Canary Sect and conjugation wise and veteran R & B, Beat 60's sounds and drops of the sea of \u200b\u200bwell assimilated.

are best placed to talk about ... they, of course.


appears that the formation of The Canary Sect has finally stabilized. Who are now members of the band?

Well thought so, but despite that Claudio, our guitar solo season will be long out of Barcelona this year and some of the concerts we'll display with Frankie, who lives in Barcelona Argentine guitarist few months ago and has played in bands like the Electrisixties of Buenos Aires. The main formation is made up, anyway: Manuel Navarro (Vocals & Harmonica) Claudio Glaesmer (Lead Guitar), Alfredo Calonge (rhythm guitar), Jaime Ros (bass) and Frank Gosalves (drums).

second album, finally. Can you anticipate some content? How many topics are there? Version? "Title? "Seal? ...

As the disc is called On My Mind 47 and it will go 12 songs including 3 and 9 are specific versions. The seal that we edit it again the German Screaming Apple and versions included this time are: Roses ( Don Craine's new Downliners Sect ) Threat of time ( The Scenery ) and Everybody's gonna be happy ( The Kinks ).

been a few rough years since your debut album ... and accidents is through the difficult process of recording we experience. Can you explain how it was that process? Is that learning your new venture has provided study?

The truth is that the rough was having to soar after the recording, because 3 of the members who formed the band decided to leave The Canary Sect to spend more time his other projects. The record was perfect and fast, but Pablo Jiménez and I had to rebuild the band to make a presentation disc conditions. And the truth is it was a success.

For that we Alfred Negatives , Francesc Gosalves (with whom he had already played in Les Cactus ) and Pau Loewe ( Born Losers, The Fabulous Ottomans , Kongsmen ...).

subsequently replaced Claudio Glaesmer Pau as a guitarist and a few years later Paul went to live outside of Barcelona and very reluctantly left the group. Of course, left him in very good hands, Jaime Ros (curiously the bassist with whom he had spoken for years to assemble a group of Rhythm & Blues).

regard to re-record as you say, has been a new adventure and as in any new venture there has been some difference. The advantage this time is that if the first album we were a little blind in it were well aware of the quality provided Circo Perrotti and professionalism of Jorge Explosion . In fact, the result of his work has been in my point of view impeccable.

continue, no doubt they will fit ...

[ In the picture, a tribute to the Yardbirds for the cover of the 2 nd LP The Canary Sect ]