Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Jenna Jameson Measurements

Techniques do not work. By Nev Sagiba 02/05/06. Translated by Enrique Muñiz

"When two leaves are, there is no way to escape. Serenamente move as lotus flower blooming in the midst of strong passions, cross powerfully with his sword into the heavens. " (Monk Tozan) Motto ryu kenjutsu Jikishin

obsessive continually hear talk about techniques and if they serve or not to fight. This is my position. The techniques are irrelevant!.

And yes, some techniques work better than others. Take a look around, draw your own conclusions, select preferences and accept responsibility for results.

Aikido training is the best work for me because the results are consistently shown in the reality and life and death situations. So practice is the result of those who survived the battle. And then refined the art for the next battle and so on. Simple and obvious, and an evolution for many years, costing many lives. So we must show much gratitude for that.

, however, obsess about the effectiveness of the techniques is not relevant. If you are attacked, it is rarely what YOU APPEAR TO DO coach, in a square room with a floor pad with, rules, courtesies, dress smart and the rest of the circus.

So what constitutes a "fight"? If you have not been in one, you will only have ideas and opinions on what constitutes a "fight."

Conversely in a "real situation", murder is a variable to consider. Ask anyone who has been in a real situation and they all have a rather different theory. They may be upset by talking about it. Do not go looking for it, or secretly live in hope for another meeting (excluding the mentally disturbed persons).

techniques include concepts such as Zanshin and Kokoro, Maai and Deai, Metsuke and Kokyo, Taisabaki and Kusushi, Kiai and Aiki, Tsuki and others. You can not include these concepts only by the talk or thinking about them. The context of a given situation includes the land, strategic placement, advantages and disadvantages of the adversary, interpret them correctly, is vital to perform the techniques.

This has to be evaluated, summarized and acted. Working effectively requires regular and consistent SWEAT! Given the fact that opinions are a nuisance.

Now let our feet back to earth and accept the fact that the Budo, as something that is practiced to be applied. By analogy, you will not go through years of work get a PhD just so you can wave a certificate. You use it to get a job and feed their children.

I do not like to recount "war stories" because it can often be misinterpreted as "bragging". I like hearing the "war stories" because I learn. There ever from Michelin to be taken into account. In this spirit I will share one the following story.

The event occurred approximately in 1972-3, I was attacked with an ax. The intention was to kill me. Faster than thought, the simple natural process identified a variable yokomenuchi and imminent mortal danger, and my body moved. I removed the ax with a nice but very intense and ended shihonage. The bomber appeared surprised and backed off. End of story. No thought, no fight. At that time you live or die. What just happened due to training emerged. I could see and recognize the following basic technique. kihon. Thank God, a, O Sensei and all refined and warriors that passed the knowledge they had received from us.

trained not to perfect a technique we THINK that we use to survive if we are attacked. We train to improve ourselves and our chances of survival of an event that could never happen but we must be preoparados for him. They are also the "spiritual benefits" that enliven all our natural abilities, innate as a result of coercion by the austerity of training which will enable other attributes and that hopefully make us better people. This is fundamental.

The best and true real fighters have always known ELCONFLICTO AVOID as much as possible. They had good things to do and other vital responsibilities to fulfill. All of them and avoid the conflict, can normally read signals in advance and avoid aggression. KNOW the implications of a meeting and have a scar or two to remind them of their proximity to death.

THERE IS NO WARRANTY! No appreciate your feedback, once the battle is committed no matter what it is, it's like swim with sharks, sail in a storm THERE IS NO WARRANTY!

And if you keep thinking about big fights, I suggest buying a bucket of popcorn and keep watching action movies. There is no dojo to teach you that you see on the big screen. Otherwise start practicing martial arts or keep practicing, but not fantasies.


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