Monday, May 24, 2010

Birth Control For Facial Flat Warts

V JECL Program (ULA)

Program V Student Creative Writing Workshop (ULA) 2010

Monday June 7


8: 30 am. Opening.

words Professor Belford Moré literature department head.

words of Professor Dionisio Marquez. General Coordinator.

Delia Words Arismendi. Student Coordinator

9:00 am. Lecture by Prof. Douglas Bohórquez

9: 50 - 10:05 am. Snack

10: 10 am. Table 1.

Emily Rangel
Eric Alvarez Carlos López
Yamily Habib El Fakih (poetry)
Jessica Newman (poetry)

11: 00 am.

Eliza Simon Daniel Arellano Rincón

11: 30. Table 2.
Alexander Medina (poetry)
Daniel Santiago Rincón Duque Diana

José Luis Moreno Carlos Rivera


2: 00 pm. Table 3

Isaac Guerrero Olga Rodriguez (poetry)
Leonor Carrero (story) Eduardo Salazar

Jairo Rojas Luis Ramírez (short story and poetry) 2:50

G Abriel Payares

Martha Durán Vanessa Marquez

3: 35 pm. Table 4
Leandro Duarte (story) María José Maldonado

Manuel Vélez

4:05 pm. - 4: 15 pm. Snack

4: 20-6: 15pm . Stitches. Writing and life . Conversation with the narrator Oscar Marcano. Moderator: Prof. Arnaldo Valero

Mars June 8


8: 00am. Table 5

Ángel Gutiérrez Ochoa JEXIM
Olga Rodríguez (story) Leonard

Carrero Raibel Baptista (poetry) Jesus Arellano

9: 00 am. Table 6
Cesar Zambrano Gerardo Palencia

Yamily Habib El Fakih (story)
Bolivia Cuevas

9: 40 am. Leen : Mardon

Rodrigo Arismendi Blanco

10: 15am - 10: 25am Refreshment

10:30 am. Poetry without tilde. Conversation with the poets Luis Moreno Villamediana and John Galan Casanova


2:00 pm Mesa 7
José Contreras
Keira Valerio
Leandro Duarte (poesia)
Marianna Guédez (cuento)
Miguel Florian

2: 50pm Leen:
Pedro Varguillas
Willy Mckey
Santiago Acosta

3:35 Mesa 8
Elizabeth Arias
Enrique Rojas
Alessio Chinellato

4:05 pm - 4:15 pm Refreshments

4:20 pm. Avalanche News. Conversation with the poet Juan Calzadilla . Moderator: Gregory Zambrano.

Wednesday, June 9


8:00 am. Table 9
Vielma Luis Medina Oriana Martins

Emerita Urdaneta
Dennys Ceballo
Rosmar Aular

9: 00 am. Group 10
Angel Gutierrez
France Escorcia
Marianna Guédez (poetry)
Fabio Augusto García Miranda

Jessica Newman (story).

10: 00 - 10: 10 Snack

10: 15 am. The deed from the workshop . Discussion with Professors: Luis Moreno Villamediana, Carolina Lozada, Francisco Díaz, Enrique Mora Rangel Pedro Plata. Moderator: Prof. Joseph Alexander Bustamante

12: 05pm. Christening Poetry Magazine "The Salmon" No. 7 Revelation. Willy McKey - Santiago Acosta. Moderator. Pedro Varguillas.


2: 00 pm. adjusting the rearview mirror. (Part I) The new voices are concerned with their Venezuelan tradition: Narrative. With Young People: Gabriel Payares (UCV), Martha Durán (LUZ), Mardon Arismendi (UCAB), Rodrigo Blanco Calderón (UCV), Daniel Arellano (ULA). Moderator. Fabian Coelho.

3: 55pm - 4: 05pm. Snack

4: 10pm. Reading the verdict of the winners of the First Competition of the V-JECL

4: 20pm adjusting the rearview mirror. (Part II) The new voices are concerned with their Venezuelan tradition: Poetry. with young people: Santiago Acosta (UCV), Willy McKey (UCV), Santiago Acosta (UCV), Vanessa Marquez (ULA), Eliza Corner (ULA), Simon Zambrano (ULA), Pedro Varguillas (ULA). Moderator: TBA


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