Monday, May 24, 2010

Birth Control For Facial Flat Warts

V JECL Program (ULA)

Program V Student Creative Writing Workshop (ULA) 2010

Monday June 7


8: 30 am. Opening.

words Professor Belford Moré literature department head.

words of Professor Dionisio Marquez. General Coordinator.

Delia Words Arismendi. Student Coordinator

9:00 am. Lecture by Prof. Douglas Bohórquez

9: 50 - 10:05 am. Snack

10: 10 am. Table 1.

Emily Rangel
Eric Alvarez Carlos López
Yamily Habib El Fakih (poetry)
Jessica Newman (poetry)

11: 00 am.

Eliza Simon Daniel Arellano Rincón

11: 30. Table 2.
Alexander Medina (poetry)
Daniel Santiago Rincón Duque Diana

José Luis Moreno Carlos Rivera


2: 00 pm. Table 3

Isaac Guerrero Olga Rodriguez (poetry)
Leonor Carrero (story) Eduardo Salazar

Jairo Rojas Luis Ramírez (short story and poetry) 2:50

G Abriel Payares

Martha Durán Vanessa Marquez

3: 35 pm. Table 4
Leandro Duarte (story) María José Maldonado

Manuel Vélez

4:05 pm. - 4: 15 pm. Snack

4: 20-6: 15pm . Stitches. Writing and life . Conversation with the narrator Oscar Marcano. Moderator: Prof. Arnaldo Valero

Mars June 8


8: 00am. Table 5

Ángel Gutiérrez Ochoa JEXIM
Olga Rodríguez (story) Leonard

Carrero Raibel Baptista (poetry) Jesus Arellano

9: 00 am. Table 6
Cesar Zambrano Gerardo Palencia

Yamily Habib El Fakih (story)
Bolivia Cuevas

9: 40 am. Leen : Mardon

Rodrigo Arismendi Blanco

10: 15am - 10: 25am Refreshment

10:30 am. Poetry without tilde. Conversation with the poets Luis Moreno Villamediana and John Galan Casanova


2:00 pm Mesa 7
José Contreras
Keira Valerio
Leandro Duarte (poesia)
Marianna Guédez (cuento)
Miguel Florian

2: 50pm Leen:
Pedro Varguillas
Willy Mckey
Santiago Acosta

3:35 Mesa 8
Elizabeth Arias
Enrique Rojas
Alessio Chinellato

4:05 pm - 4:15 pm Refreshments

4:20 pm. Avalanche News. Conversation with the poet Juan Calzadilla . Moderator: Gregory Zambrano.

Wednesday, June 9


8:00 am. Table 9
Vielma Luis Medina Oriana Martins

Emerita Urdaneta
Dennys Ceballo
Rosmar Aular

9: 00 am. Group 10
Angel Gutierrez
France Escorcia
Marianna Guédez (poetry)
Fabio Augusto García Miranda

Jessica Newman (story).

10: 00 - 10: 10 Snack

10: 15 am. The deed from the workshop . Discussion with Professors: Luis Moreno Villamediana, Carolina Lozada, Francisco Díaz, Enrique Mora Rangel Pedro Plata. Moderator: Prof. Joseph Alexander Bustamante

12: 05pm. Christening Poetry Magazine "The Salmon" No. 7 Revelation. Willy McKey - Santiago Acosta. Moderator. Pedro Varguillas.


2: 00 pm. adjusting the rearview mirror. (Part I) The new voices are concerned with their Venezuelan tradition: Narrative. With Young People: Gabriel Payares (UCV), Martha Durán (LUZ), Mardon Arismendi (UCAB), Rodrigo Blanco Calderón (UCV), Daniel Arellano (ULA). Moderator. Fabian Coelho.

3: 55pm - 4: 05pm. Snack

4: 10pm. Reading the verdict of the winners of the First Competition of the V-JECL

4: 20pm adjusting the rearview mirror. (Part II) The new voices are concerned with their Venezuelan tradition: Poetry. with young people: Santiago Acosta (UCV), Willy McKey (UCV), Santiago Acosta (UCV), Vanessa Marquez (ULA), Eliza Corner (ULA), Simon Zambrano (ULA), Pedro Varguillas (ULA). Moderator: TBA

Friday, May 21, 2010

Swastika Gold Bracelet


Stephane Benedetti Sensei 6th Dan Aikikai

28, 29 and May 30, 2010

2130 Friday 20

Saturday 11-13 and 18-20

Sunday 11 to 13

Course full 50 €

Saturday and Sunday € 40

A Class 20 €

More information

627 403 212 / 932 194 552

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Blonde Hair From Dark Brown Image

basis for participation as a speaker at the V Student Creative Writing at the ULA

ulandina invite the community to participate in V Student Creative Writing Workshop (V- JECL) and First Prize for Fiction and Poetry of the V-JECL. Please note

already opened the acceptance of works to participate in V-
JECL After the fake notebook Narciso Espejo, in honor Guillermo Meneses (1911-1978 ), we expect to perform during the 7, 8 and 9 June this year in Simón Bolívar Chair of the Faculty of Humanities and Education (morning and afternoon) Special guests Juan Calzadilla (Altagracia de Orituco, 1931), Oscar Marcano (La Guaira, 1958), Luis Moreno Villamediana (Maracaibo, 1966) and John Galan Casanova (Bogotá, 1970), and a conference Opening by Professor Douglas Bohórquez on Guillermo Meneses.

addition, as part of the V-JECL, there will be a forum entitled
adjusting the rearview mirror, new voices are concerned with its literary tradition , which will include the participation of leading emerging narrative voices and poetry, among whom We Rodrigo Blanco Calderón (UCV), Gabriel Payares (UCV), Martha Durán (LUZ), Mardon Arismendi (UCAB), Santiago Acosta (UCV), Willy McKey (UCV), Daniel Arellano (ULA), Simon Zambrano (ULA) , Eliza Corner (ULA), Vanessa Marquez (ULA), and Peter Varguillas (ULA).

will also be space for thinking about creative writing workshops and its importance as a mechanism for acquisition of tools and techniques to address a forum on writing
Writing from the workshop specialists speak , which will be attended Carolina Lozada, Luis Moreno Villamediana, Pedro Rangel Mora and Francisco Díaz, renowned storytellers and poets who will talk about their respective experiences giving workshops.

This year, too,
be held the first edition of the award of the V-JECL in statements and Narrative Poetry to provide the amount of 500 Bs F the best text presented at the V-JECL in each genre. The jury will be announced later. To compete, participants must formalize entry in the V-JECL on the ground floor of Building B of the Faculty of Humanities and Education, in the morning between

8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., and in the afternoon between 2:00 pm and 5:50 pm. The registration fee is 10 Bs F. By registering as a speaker automatically compete for the prize.

Participation as a speaker at the V-JECL be governed by the following rules:

1. Open to all regular students of the Universidad de Los Andes (at any level of study) to submit their texts to the V-JECL.

2. The participating works may relate to the following genres: fiction (short story, mini-story, chronic) and poetry.

The speaker of participation in the Award for the V-JECL , fiction and poetry entries. Each winner will be awarded the amount of 500 Bs F. The award may be declared void in either gender. The jury's verdict is final. The jury will announce its decision no later than June 9, 2010, during the V-JECL. resulting winning works will be published on the blogspot House Winds .

4. Each participant may submit one (1) work written in English, in each of the genres listed.

6. The style and theme of the works is free. The maximum length for text is as follows: Narrative: six (6) pages; Poetry: six (6) pages.

7. The texts must be sent by email to the address as an attachment in Word format (2003), in letter size paper, double spaced, Times New Roman, size No. 12., And shall be signed with a pseudonym. And in the body message, participants must write their personal information: full name, IC, career studying and telephone number. Participants must be outstanding in the blogspot of
Days of Creation ng the days before the event to meet the day that corresponds to arise if your text is selected.

8. The deadline for submission of work will begin Thursday, May 6, 2010 and ends at 11:59 pm on Friday, May 23, 2010. Only accept work that has come at the deadline.

9. For reading the texts the presenter must be ten minutes before the specific time of your table. If the speaker is not on the table and proceed to start without him and will not be granted a certificate of participation, and will be ruled out its participation in the Award for the V-JECL. Any problem with the schedule that will touch the speaker should notify the committee via email one week prior.

10. All presenters must register for the event. The registration process begins on Monday, May 10 and ends on 04 June. Registration will take place at the Ground Floor of Building "B" of the Faculty of Humanities and Education at the University Los Andes. Registration times are from 8:00 am to 12:00 pm, and 2:00 pm to 5:50 pm. The registration fee will cost 10 Bs.F.

11. Participation in this event is the total acceptance of their bases.

12. Matters not covered by these rules will be resolved promptly by the organizing committee.

email address for sending works:

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Lucky Date's Electro Refill Vol. 2 Free


As I put in a previous post, the ALEA (Free Association aikido schools) made the 3rd meeting Taikai.

The head teacher of the class was 3rd Dan Jordi frames.

proposed a very interesting class, noting much basic movements but also a very fluid and dynamic.
Overall a very good job that he usually does.
The ALEA truth is that we are fortunate to have three great teachers :
Jordi Marcos 3rd Dan Aikikai
Javier Galan 4 º Dan Aikikai

Luis Traver 4 º Dan Aikikai

and two coaches :

Daniel Leclerc 6 º Dan Aikikai

Stephane Benedetti 6 º Dan Aikikai .

The line is still in the master ALEA Tamura, a very difficult, that makes it easy.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Aka Letter Of Interest Grad Chapter

Here I leave an information that I have sent my friend Cesar de la Cal, I write it literally

Akuzawa Minoru Sensei began his return to Europe in the course of a day at Valencia on Sunday 23 May 9h30 to 12h00 and from 14h30 to 17h00 at l'Esportiu Valencia in collaboration with César de La Cal
Akuzawa Minoru, is the founder of Aunkaï, is probably one of the most important masters of martial arts of our times. His mastery of inner strength is remarkable and even feel the event in person that literally leaves you speechless. However, nothing softer and interesting method with which Akuzawa sensei has created on the basis of traditional schools (Koryu) and is similar in form to a type of Qi Gong. Tireless practitioner of Tai Chi, Hsing I, toshu Kakuta, and the veritable way of Shingan Yagyu ryu won the world cup in China.ç

has created his own school, the Aunkai. Where teachers are being trained throughout the world. First come to Spain, an opportunity única.Abierto to all disciplines, Aikido, Karate, Judo, Budo Taijutsu, etcLimites Capacity: 50 contact Cesar de la Cal in the mail:

Yoshinori Kono is undoubtedly the most famous contemporary Japanese martial artist. Author of dozens of books and videos about martial arts, star of series and television broadcasts, we can see on television constantly. It is without doubt the first true star of the traditional martial arts because his popularity is now global. Komo
to regularly shown impressive results to those achieved with high-level athletes. Notamente are known their feat as putting forward a professional boxer and beat him without that it can react, resist the push of a Japanese sumo wrestler over 170 kg Kono sensei While it weighs 62 kg.
defense also pass professional football players, judo easily topple over 100 kg, etc.
The list is huge of occasions where it has agreed to test their theories and prove their undoubted effectiveness.
is why it is not impossible qu eKuwata not the only famous athlete did Kono sensei confidence, professional players and the sports federations of the most diverse styles make you trust and they call for improving the performance of their athletes. Shingo Suetsugu was the first to get a bronze medal in 200 mts smooth publicly said that the secret of its effectiveness is underway Namba who taught him

Kono During the first interview shows Kuwata, played professional baseball first division in Japan, applying the principles of body use bujutsu in their discipline. Kuwata later said Kono's movements were faster than any player I've seen. This experience is a revelation to him and he becomes a completely devoted to practicing the techniques of Kono Sensei. Thanks to the implementation of these movements come at age 34 became the fastest player, his pitches would become unpredictable to the eye of the hitters and came dramatically to its highest level to be the best pitcher in Japan!