Thursday, January 21, 2010

How Do Wwe Divas Boobs Come So Close Together



Needed three key elements to sustain life: water, air and
food. The vital nature of the breath is given by the following
fact: we live for weeks without solid food, no fluids during
days, but it takes a few minutes without oxygen for us to lose life. Such is the basic importance

All life processes are related to processes of oxidation and reduction
. Every cell in our body depends on blood for oxygen supply
. The amount of oxygen in the blood that circulates through the arteries,
determines the vitality and health of those cells, since these conditions depend
of oxygen through the blood. If breathing is defective, not
well oxygenated blood. The respiratory process, on the other hand, it also stimulates
electrical processes of each cell.
For a better study of breath, and taking into account that certain individuals dominated
either, we classify four types of breathing

1) Clavicular : was performed by the upper lungs. Due to the pyramidal shape
lung sacs, this is the kind of breathing less oxygen
provides the organism.
2) Costal : is that by the middle of the lungs at the matter. It is rare for this type
breathing occurs alone, being always accompanied
of clavicular or abdominal breathing.
3) Abdominal : Performed at the bottom of the lungs and allows more oxygen entering
earlier also due to the pyramidal shape of
lung sacs.
4) complete breathing : Produced by the total filling of the lungs,
including lower, middle and high from them.
is performed slowly, without forcing the lung capacity.


kokyu means literally inspired-expired, breathing. This option allows you to take the Ki
in the atmosphere to the Seika Tanden and activate the fire there
the transformation of this vital breath and Ki energy. Breathing should not impair
or free flow of energy or fluency of movement, hence the emphasis
movements deep breathing abdominal
called (a term that refers to the entire pelvic girdle and not only

We can distinguish three forms of breathing:
· natural breathing
The belly, flanks, and the kidneys are inflated to inspire and relax with
expiration. This breathing helps concentration, so you get the
name "Buddha breathing, so the difference in breathing reverse
called" Taoist. "
· reverse breathing
imagine the inspiration in the air builds up before the third lumbar vertebra
(at the level of the kidneys), while the belly and falls gently retracts
year. In the end imagine that the air accumulated in the kidneys
happens to focus on the Seika-Tandem that is well designed to
forward and down while the anus relaxes. The knowledge of this
breathing technique is required in order to develop the Kokyu-Ryoku
(breathing power.) This breath of origin is the most important Taoist
in martial arts.
· swallow the pill
breathing technique apnea (stopping breathing), also of Taoist origin
. In inspiration, which is done through the mouth, swallowed ki
atmosphere is to be highly concentrated within the Seika-Tandem, causing additional overhead
These three forms of breath are linked to a conception of the body emerged
of Taoist alchemy and Chinese medical art and rely on the practice of small and large
celestial movement.


One exercise of particular importance for the development of Ki is
practice deep abdominal breathing. Sit in seiza
(or cross-legged beneath a cushion to keep your spine straight
). Adaptation to sit in seiza
must accumulate gradually increasing the time spent in this position in a few minutes
each session. Sit slightly, straight and shoulders relaxed so that the weight of his body
fall naturally to a point.
Inspiration should be extended, as a thin stream of air is drawn
through the nostrils on a regular and controlled. The sound of a prolonged inspiration
must be near the phoneme "u". And this inspiration is due to relaxed
. Moreover, although the air is drawn through the nose, throat
be used to control the flow. Instead of "smell" the air, you should reach
slow, steady stream.

air you breathe must meet not only the chest cavity, also
abdomen. Inspire extends deep into the abdomen usually
without undue stress or unstretched stomach muscles. The idea is
breathe as fully and naturally as a child.
Put your shoulders down and relaxed during inspiration. When you have inspired
everything was comfortable, quiet resting for a moment,
and placing all the air breathed at the height of the hara, before expiring.


Breathe through your mouth (relaxed), a current constant
concentrated, powerful - the sound is similar to the phoneme expiration
"haa." Again there should be no tension. Do not attempt to expire suddenly with great force

breathing exercises should be practiced daily.
When combined with regular practice the arts of Aikido this leads to the coordinated development


fudo Ki no ho.

Understanding the four basic principles allows us to develop
mind body building and property.
Keep One Point Completely Relax

Keep The Weight Underside

Extend Ki Ki

ishi no ho

The study of meditation includes any ho Ki Toitsu (keep one point) and Ki no ho
kakudai (Expand Ki). In understanding
Thus a strong will and a positive attitude emerging.
You hold a position of mastery.
You have a sense of freedom.
You create an atmosphere of harmony.
You are vividly aware of the spirit of life in all things.
So you can feel movement Ki in the universe.

Ki ho kokyu not

There are many different ways Ki breathing. All
lead to a healthy body and a calm mind. Exhale
gradually, with purpose and control.
Exhale with a different sound, but barely audible.
At the end of breathing, Ki continues infinitely as a note that
fade. Inhale
the tip of the nose until the body is saturated with
After breathing, soothe the mind infinitely in one point.

Ki ho taiso not

The goal of the exercises and techniques of Aikido is learning
coordinate mind and body during any activity, if he sleeps, standing, sitting or
moving quickly.
movements and begin focusing on the point. Ki
fully expands in every movement. Movement
freely and easily.
not feel any tension in the muscles. Show
and feel a clear sense of rhythm in his movement.


Most of these exercises can be done individually.
are usually practiced, before and after each class. If done before, we help
clear of the external and focus on practice and
good functioning of our body. Whether we realize it after the class, help
back to optimum levels of relaxation of the body cool down both
respiratory, muscular and cardio. There are variety of exercises, here
explain a couple of exercises and tachiwaza suwariwaza.

EXERCISES IN suwariwaza

Kokyu ho - (single breath)

One of the exercises simpler. We are located in seiza or cross-legged,
as relaxed as possible. The only movement that occurs is that of breathing, no muscle
body moves. You have to put the tongue on the palate
lower back, teeth. As you breathe, imagine that an air column
introduced by our head in the direction of the hara, to browse our
vertebral column, to the point of hara. There, he concentrated all the air forming a swirl
later be expelled up to the perform the hara when
expiration through the mouth.

kokyu Chin (soil respiration)

We are located in seiza, hands on knees. Like the previous year
imagine the movement of air inside of our body. When inspiration circularly
raise our shoulders, and let them fall,
block while our air in the abdomen,
for a short period of time, no longer than 2 seconds, expelling the air soft and

Ten no Kokyu (breath of heaven)

We are located in seiza with his hands between his knees. At the same time raise your hands
inspired by the interior, where the palms are shown
each other but not touching. At the peak of inspiration,
hands must match, the highest point that can be lifted.
In that time, open the palms outward and not expel the air descended
this to hara, as the hands down as if pushing the air around us
to shoulder height. We held no more than 2 seconds
expel air slowly, hands
return to their original position.

kokyu Jin

We are located in seiza with hands on knees. As Chin kokyu when inspiration raise
circularly our shoulders, and we drop
while we block our air in the abdomen,
for a short period of time, no longer than 2 seconds. R the air to expire,
hands, slide to the floor, stretching his way forward as possible
stretching the body, coinciding with the maximum extension
air outlet end. Again, to inspire, we will rise,
hands touching the ground to the starting position, bringing
shoulders again and repeat the movement again. By doing a third time, after raising insipid
shoulders, exhale the air, motionless.


Aikido provides numerous ways to verify the quality and power of our extension
centrally. The accompanying examples are just a sample
their level and type.
- Sitting in Zazen we relax and focus on our center
let our ki emanating from it. Recall that our back is to
remain straight and must not be distracted by the efforts of our partners and us down
pushing back (with their hands on our shoulders
) from above.
- experienced Aikido students are able to neutralize
and the power of two or three ukes, even from a sitting position with legs separated
- The same test can be performed standing with one arm extended in
"strong arm" and the song of our hand resting on the forearm of
our partner. This pushes and neutralize their power as if we were a rock
against which you are downloading. In advanced stages,
we may be able to channel the force
try to use against us and even to cancel the assault of several people.
- Another test commonly used is to neutralize the efforts
one or two opponents while trying to get up the mat. For this exercise we
be steadily relaxed and centrality as
our ki flows down and reconnects the entire body with the earth.
There are other tests and the number only depends on the preparation and
imagination of each instructor.


Haku breathing expiration is too short, powerful
repeated several times. The Japanese verb "hakimasu" means "throw out" or "throw up." Perform
haku breathing is to focus all your mind and body, and throw it all
at expiration.
First sit quietly in seiza. Open your mouth and put his tongue on the palate
bottom back teeth. Inspire completely, and while
leaning slightly back, throw it expires later and out on
a powerful blast. It is not necessary to make a particular sound with the voice box
. The breath that passes quickly through the throat region
create a sound by itself.
is imperative that you follow to be calm and relaxed in the middle of this great movement
breathing. Do not move your shoulders or your head.
Keep an upright posture, mind and body coordinated.
If you make haku breathing completely, a gap creates natural
in the lungs at the end of expiration. This means that the lungs
automatically filled with air. However, if you hold the air, even
slightly, the vacuum is not created and you should suck air into your lungs.
If this happens you will find it very difficult to repeat
haku breathing quickly.
If we learn to use this breathing calm, but strong
quickly and lightning, we use our whole body in this way when we practice Aikido

Kokyu Dosa

The Kokyu Dosa is usually practiced at the end of each class of Aikido.
is an exercise that helps to generate a greater flow of Ki in the hara. Since it is Ki,
body force does not deviate to one side, sometimes can make a minimum
resistance from uke to study a little more advanced.
explain the most common exercise kokyu dosa.
Sit in seiza with their arms extended, shoulder width apart, elbows down
, the extension of the fingers and fingertips
slightly upward. The uke, kneeling in front of you, grab his wrists
slightly from the sides.
No matter how hard his uke, or oppose, you should not pay any attention
, but calm and maintain their state strong Ki.
maintaining this extension. It raises their hands, with the edges of the hands, focused on the uke.
trying to project smoothly without any physical force.
When uke falls, accompanied him putting his arm
us closer to our leg over, while the other hand, we place it above his head

different ways to make dosa kokyu, including highlight:
-perform the common
Kokyu dosa-dosa kokyu We absorb the companion to our will. A time
unbalanced, so head to one side projecting soft again.
- Kokyu dosa performed a much more comprehensive. Trying to raise
where he unbalance uke and projects.
- Make the Kokyu dosa with one hand, ideal for the study
dynamic movement, circular movements, absorbents and without any force.
In the latter 2 cases, the hand movement is canceled by the
body and hip movements are exercises for further study


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