Saturday, December 18, 2010

What Kind Of Painkiller Can I Take Before Waxing

Psychology Aikido

By: George S. Ledyard
Translation: Katalin Nemeth (voluntary)

are many people who know Aikido, a martial art of Japanese origin nonviolent self-defense allows without providing serious damage to the attacker.

However, few people know that the founder of Aikido, Morihei Ueshiba Aikido conceived as a means of personal transformation and, consequently, a way to improve the world.

is very interesting to see a mechanism that makes a martial art promotes peace.
is common to hear people say that Aikido is moving Zen.
But without practicing Aikido is difficult to understand what this statement really means. Usually

Aikido is practiced by a couple of moves in which one person is designated as the attacker (or the person who initiates the interaction) and the other as a defender (or the person trying to harmonize with the energy the attacker redirect
and resolve the conflict by putting the attacker into a position from which
can no longer attacking.)

Still, the above does not fall within a competitive framework.
Rather, the practice of Aikido is completely cooperative.
Each of the practitioners try to act from a total commitment to their role, so as to facilitate
joint practice.

But what makes that such a practice has a transformative effect?
One element is the nature of the interaction in Aikido.
each practitioner's role requires him to fully concentrate on staying "connected" to the center another person.

In other words, after the initial attack both intend to experiment
the whole movement and energy of the art of not resisting the other.
If everyone puts all his attention to harmonize with the energy of the other, then who dominates

This is the meditative aspect of practicing Aikido.
Nothing can be forced or interaction breaks down and becomes mechanical.
True non-resistance requires 'letting go'
many of the uncertainties created by the ego and that are the cause of many conflicts. In Zen meditation
a peace of mind can not repress the thoughts external, but is aware of them without 'catch'.

Similarly, in Aikido you do not 'engage' with the force of an attack but rather uses
natural movements that allow the force
release and achieve a new balance in which the inherent conflict is resolved.
In the words of a teacher of meditation can not stop the waves,
but you can learn to surf. "

Aikido movements reflect movements and vital energies of nature.
It is at this point that there is another aspect of the practice of Aikido
that promotes personal transformation.

Jungian psychology says we are not one and unified person, but a number of personalities or egos, and some of them conscious and others unconscious or throwaways.

Improving mental health is a process of integration of these aspects, often in conflict, 'one person' aware of the different sides of his nature. Our egos repudiated

aspects usually involve socially unacceptable or does not fit our self primary
is what we show to the outside world.

is why they are often referred to as our 'dark side'.
Largely therapy is aware of this side
and recognize that our energy beyond contained is also part of ourselves.

Aikido techniques are designed to be run without causing damage to the other,
apart from the fact that the energies that you are both benevolent
channels - such as running water or a cool breeze -
as potentially destructive - like a tsunami, hurricane or tornado.
Both are natural, but it could be said to represent light and dark sides of Nature.

Thus, in the context of the practice of Aikido can express his dark side
and integrate it with the light side of a safe, but that does not mean
suppress or reject the dark side energy.

A person who is afraid of his own repressed anger and relegated to the subconscious level, you can release this energy
repudiated long
safe as the nature of the practice can do so in a safe and controlled doses.

A student with childhood chaotic and unpredictable personality may have developed a primary controller, trying to achieve a degree of certainty, and therefore security, in their environment.

Aikido practice will not only contribute to that person exceeds your need for 'control'
but also teaches you that true security is trying to control the uncontrollable.

Aikido is to achieve a balance, both psychological and physical, between our different sides.
asks us to give back to the blocks that affect us in all areas of our lives. The founder of Aikido
enough people eager to discover his art because of the way societies and the world also would be better.

As individuals, each company has its primary side and repudiated.
more members of society have higher levels of consciousness,
inevitably begin to raise the collective consciousness and will work on it.

SOURCE: Foundation amounts

Friday, December 17, 2010

Snapper Yard Cruiser Parts
