Friday, August 13, 2010

Jetli Movies Wach Free

We're almost over the course of Caldes d'estrac and thus the beginning of the holiday, and indeed I have spent 4 days in them.

last Saturday at 17.30 7 examinations were performed in the ALEA Shodan and Nidan, to stifling heat and humidity is really high, the court was formed by Stephane Benedetti (6Dan Aikikai), Daniel Leclerc (6 ยบ Dan Aikikai), Raul melantuche (5 th Dan), Luis Traver (4 th Dan) Javier Galan (3 rd Dan), Jordi Marcos (3 rd Dan).

we examined 8 partners: 4 for 4 for Shodan and Nidan.

first uke I started, when I was 5 minutes of examination and specifically hanmi katate dori waza handachi ikkyo (I will remember forever) I got a metatarsal sprain in my life I had done something if I put your foot like a boot and a significant spill, yet we continue the 45 minutes remaining, gritting his teeth and tried not to notice much (a little hard when you have left all the work of uke and tori), even today, 7 days after stroke and I am with some inflammation, but treated with acupuncture and massage, I escape through the hospital where I wanted the plaster in a neglect of the orderly, ajajajja.

Well in the end I remember we passed 3 of the 4 that I performed at 4 Nidan and Shodan.

I personally do not test I left very happy that I could not move as I would have liked and that I encabezone Somen gokkyo uchi to go through the inside rather than outside, there are probably some little something more, but until you see the video will not know it, lol.

I go with the good feeling of having passed the Nidan, first to congratulate my uke also approved and the other colleagues who took the test.

is just keep working around the holidays with the same enthusiasm and the same tenacity as ever.